Davis Road Boardwalk
M.J. Cataldo, Inc. spearheaded the installation of a new municipal boardwalk trail for the Town of Bedford Mass, while preserving existing wetland conditions.
- Year: 2019-Present
- Client: Town of Bedford
- Location: Bedford, Mass.
- Project Type: Municipal Trail
About this Project
The Town of Bedford and its community were faced with safety concerns on the this busy roadway surrounded by many residences and local schools. Strong solar glares and a high rate of accidents made this area of roadway very dangerous for pedestrians. Due to the roadway having no shoulder, a steep embankment and being a wetland area, sidewalks were not an option here. The new 6 foot wide boardwalk will provide safety to walkers, joggers, dog walkers, cyclist, students and the elderly.
Our work included:
- Driving Helical Piles into embankment
- Installing 1,175′ of wooden boardwalk and railings
- Installing porous pavement walkway at entrances of boardwalk
- New wetland planting

The Helical Piles provide structural support to the boardwalk above with very minimal disruption to the existing wetland conditions.