Jordan Park
M.J. Cataldo, Inc. was awarded the contract for the Jordan Park improvement project.
- Year: 2019 – Present
- Client: Town of Lynnfield
- Location: Lynnfield, Mass
- Project Type: Recreational Field
About this Project
The renovation of these playing fields were a necessity to the Town of Lynnfield to accommodate the growing Lynnfield Youth Soccer Club. Jordan Park will also act as extra fields for the overflow of Middle School & High School sports. This renovation will expand the existing fields by 35 to 40 feet which will allow multiple games to be played on the fields at once. The parking lot has been expanded from 51 parking spaced to 99 spaces, complete with solar-powered light posts. This project is set to be completed in June of 2020.
Our work included:
- Redi-Rock Retaining Wall
- Screened onsite loam/sand mix & regrade field
- Demo & Rebuild Playground
- New asphalt parking lot
- Drainage
- Landscaping
- Irrigation
- Fencing