Blair Square
M.J. Cataldo, Inc. was awarded the contract to renovate the existing town square in order to greater provide the community with a safe, multifunctional green space.
- Year: 2022-2023
- Client: Town of Holliston
- Location: Holliston, Mass.
- Project Type: Municipal Park
About This Project
The Blair Square renovation project was designed to create a multifunctional community space, while maintaining the historical elements of the park. The design incorporates Historic Milford Pink Granite sourced from a local quarry & repurposed granite from the North End. The square is also home to a Veteran’s Memorial & Flag pole. Blair Square, the hub of the Upper Charles River Rail Trail, now safely accommodates the high pedestrian & bike traffic.
Our Work Included:
- Demolition of the existing site with tree removal
- Stripping of loam and sub grading
- Installation of drainage & water connections to provide for irrigation, & water bubblers
- Installation of concrete footings for the pavilion
- Splitting the granite seat wall by Wedge & Feather method
- Setting reclaimed granite posts & granite detectable warning
strips where the existing Rail Trail transitions into the Square - Installation of a multi colored paver design & stone dust walkways
- Site amenities included the construction of the new pavilion, installation of picnic tables, benches, kiosk, bike racks, site signage, dog waste stations & a multipurpose water bubbler
- The project was finished off landscape with new sod, simple plantings, and blank mulch beds left for community gardening projects